Law in Holland on “human trafficking”: a comparative study – from justicy (justitie / rechtvaardigheid) to ‘religious’ justice (gerechtigheid) 1/19

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Misdrijven tegen de persoonlijke vrijheid
Art. 273f
-1. Als schuldig aan mensenhandel wordt met gevangenisstraf van ten hoogste twaalf jaren of geldboete van de vijfde categorie gestraft:

Claim translated:

Crimes against (individual-) personal freedom
Art. 273f
-1. The following shall be punished if guilty of human trafficking by a prison sentence of not more than twelve years or a (money) fine of the fifth category:


It starts with an -if- closure. This means that there are holes in the embodiment of possible cases, where there are “a blind eye” for human trafficking.

First of all, let it be clear that human trafficking, which is exploitation of the human being, which is a species sorted under the term animale, is firstly understood as an illegal way to gain wealth, power and wishful freedom.

What is unmentioned is that in origin it has to do with lack of eagerness to coexistence and fearing inexistance, meaning: becoming non existant after dooms day, as the most worse type of punishment by Almighty God, as has been promised and agreed to by the subject, in exchange for an “eternal” life on earth.

17:62. He (Iblis) said: “Do you see? That is the one whom You have honored above me. If You grant me respite till the Day of Resurrection, I will certainly lead his progeny astray, except a few.” 17:63. He (Allah) said: “Go forth; whoever of them follows you, then indeed your reward will be Hell, a full reward.” (Quran, Surat al-Israa-i)

To wit, by the preaching of His Word, that is, He will convince them that by their sins they have deserved eternal death, and that they can be delivered from it by no other means than through Him. (Bible, exegesis, Isaiah 2:4, “rebuke many people”)

In Holland, as stated, the maximum punishment is incarceration, and the least punishment is confiscation of possession:

A. Incarceration for a crime is rightfully done with the availability of a government, under their authority, in a prison directly belonging to that government. Otherwise imprisonment is illegal in one way or another.

B. Possession is granted by God Almighty under the jurisdiction of an always existing king. The only one that has right to  all property is based on this jurisdiction. This means that a government has no real right to confiscate or any others. Only what this jurisdiction supports, has access to legal confiscation.

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