Law in Holland on “human trafficking”: a comparative study – from justicy (justitie / rechtvaardigheid) to ‘religious’ justice (gerechtigheid) 3/19

Weergaven: 5

Misdrijven tegen de persoonlijke vrijheid
Art. 273f


2o degene die een ander werft, vervoert, overbrengt, huisvest of opneemt, met inbegrip van de wisseling of overdracht van de controle over die ander, met het oogmerk van uitbuiting van die ander of de verwijdering van diens organen, terwijl die ander de leeftijd van achttien jaren nog niet heeft bereikt;

Claim translated:

2o any person who recruits, transports, transfers, housing or lodge another person, including the exchange or transfer of control over that other person, for the purpose of exploiting that other person or removing his or her organs, when that other person has not attained the age of eighteen years;


This is an issue of the age of reckoning followed by the age of discernment. The claim tells us that above 18 everyone is out of the governmental custody because of discernment attributes. Funny to see it that way, my way, but it is what it is.

Firstly, it’s stupid to say, but common folk are normally not born babies carrying all they should know when reaching the eighteenth year of age. What does this tell us? This tells us that it is a tricky way to make it seem like the government or the laws have secured safety for everyone below eighteen. This may be true if it is admitted that this security is granted and controlled by God Almighty. They won’t say that openly, yea.

What is of concern to us here, is that above 18 years one is kicked out of the comfort zone which this second human trafficking law poses. So we are claiming this way a fact without carying the consequences above the age of total discernment, which in fact starts even generally from 15 years of age and onward, not 18. Eighteen years of age is just the age of beauty at its top. Are we beauty models as worth or do we also have a future more than just the appearances?

To finish this response, I have to conclude that it may fit-in in special occassions to make these things that I write; unmentioned for law abiding citizens. But the reality is, that the devils are among the humans and that the game of struggle and choosing right choices, never ends. I by this opt to forbid donoring human organs or transplantation of blood or any other humanly specimen. Except from animal-organs to humans. There is no other way around to tackle this 18 years of age fake security promise, except by a total ban on the trading of human abdomen. That’s my order!

We have certainly created man in the best of composition. [95:4] Surat at-Tin, Quran.

PS. This has a lot to do with insurance companies. Countries that ban insurance companies because of this unbridled problem in the world, are France and Libya! Let others follow…

PPS. In The Netherlands the most common export product in financing services are insurances, based on the first legal insurance called “Wajong” insurance, which in essence is not a real insurance because of it being the self-sufficiency way, yea.

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