Alle berichten van Bilal El-Khattabi

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Salaf al-Saalih wa salaf al-talih series

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Master Arabic Poetry – “Perhaps One Of Time Is Present” by Abul Atahiya ألا رب ذي أجل قد حضر

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Dua for Palestine

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Allahumma make Palestine a free country with a government that controls centraly without corruption and free from blemish. Allahumma make it an acceptable abode for every Palestinian and inherit it into the realm of other countries. Oh Allah, if there has never existed a country with that much struggle to abide by your rulings, make them rule by Your commands and teachings. Surely there is none that can make this happen but You, and us supplicating with it.


De verdorven twee sekten met betrekking tot de lotsbeschikking (Al-Qadr)

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[مع ظهورِ البدعِ واستعلاءِ أهلها، فمعرفةُ السُّنّة المطهّرة وتعليمها يصبحُ ضرورة مُلحّة]
قال الحافظُ الخطيبُ البغداديّ: “طلبُ الحديثِ في هذا الزّمانِ أفضلُ مِنْ سائرِ أنواعِ التّطوُّعِ؛لأجلِ دُرُوسِ السُّننِ وخُمُولِها،و ظُهورِ البدعِ واستِعْلاءِ أهلِها”
(شرف أصحاب الحديث)(ص٨٦)


De noodzaak van de gang naar het vrijdags ceremonie te voet

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فضل المشي إلى صلاة الجمعة الشيخ محمد بن غيث حفظه اللّٰه.